Tenants can be tough on appliances, Hotpoint offers work horse appliances that are tough and durable - proven to pass rigorous testing standards. Our product line is known to be Tougher than Tenants, meaning the criteria that we expect to exceed are the expectations of our property managers.
Barrett Sims does extreme sports, long-distance running, and is a property manager. He's a tough guy through and through and the perfect person for us to partner up with to showcase the durability of our Hotpoint appliances. Check out how Barrett uses our products and how they are built tougher than tenants.
Barrett tests the Hotpoint range, firsthand. See how our range handle is built to withstand 100 lbs of pull force.
Barrett visits the Hotpoint laundry lab. Check out how we simulate 20 years of use in our laundry lab to outlast tough, unbalanced loads.
Barrett revisits the cooking lab to witness another durability test. Discover how our range burners endure 100 hours of stress testing.